
After 14 years, the woman delivered quadruplets who are identical to each other: Here’s how the girls appear now

Multiple pregnancies are infrequent events, with the probability of conceiving twins estimated at a mere 2%, and the likelihood of quadruplets calculated at one instance in several tens of millions. Nonetheless, extraordinary circumstances can arise. Fourteen years ago, during her initial ultrasound, Julia received the astonishing news that she was simultaneously carrying four embryos in her womb.

The complexity of the situation arose from the fact that the children were sharing the same placenta, raising concerns about their health at birth. Despite being advised to terminate the pregnancy, Julia staunchly refused to entertain the idea.

After undergoing a caesarean section, it was discovered that all four baby girls were in good health, despite two of them initially having low birth weights, which soon improved. Yet, the most astounding revelation wasn’t merely Julia giving birth to quadruplets, but the striking resemblance shared by all four daughters. This likeness has endured over time, leading to frequent cases of mistaken identity among the girls.

Observers are perpetually captivated by the peculiar family, frequently endeavoring to distinguish any disparities among the girls, though they are scant and scarcely noticeable. Notably, they all don identical glasses, further adding to their enigmatic allure.

The young women are satisfied with their circumstances, finding joy in the attention their similar looks attract, which has led to their rising popularity. They’ve already been approached by multiple clothing brands for potential collaboration opportunities.