
The former president Jimmy Carter lives in a house worth $210,000 and shops at the local Dollar General

James Earl Carter Jr. entered the world in Plains, Georgia, on October 1, 1924, into a family with a solid background in business and agriculture. His father, James Earl Carter Sr., was a respected figure in both realms, excelling as a businessman and investing wisely in farmland.

Born at the Wise Sanitarium, where his mother, Bessie Lilian, worked as a nurse, Carter’s early years were infused with the values of hard work and service. Completing his high school education locally from 1937 to 1941, Carter harbored a deep-seated aspiration to follow in his father’s footsteps by joining the military, inspired by his father’s service in the U.S. Army Quartermaster Corps during WWI.

His commitment to service extended beyond the military, as evidenced by his heartfelt sentiments expressed in Phil Donahue and Marlo Thomas’ book “What Makes a Marriage Last,” where he reflected on his marriage, stating, “I just felt compatible with her.” Following his graduation from the Naval Academy, Carter and his beloved spouse exchanged vows in 1946, marking the beginning of a lifelong partnership centered on family and shared endeavors.

Upon retiring from the Navy, Carter redirected his focus to nurturing his growing family and managing the family business. Recognizing the pressing need for a stable home environment, he undertook the construction of a ranch-style house in 1961, a testament to his dedication to providing for his loved ones. Valued at $209,996 according to Zillow, this home not only served as a sanctuary for his family but also became a retreat for Carter himself during his post-White House years.

Unlike many of his predecessors and successors, Carter chose not to leverage his post-presidential popularity for financial gain. Refusing to capitalize on his time in the White House, he returned to his roots, driven by a steadfast commitment to integrity and humility. As he once remarked to the Washington Post, “I don’t see anything wrong with it; I don’t blame other people for doing it. It just never had been my ambition to be rich.” Despite facing financial challenges, including significant debt resulting from the sale of his peanut business, Carter prioritized providing for his family’s comfort, relying on his $217,000 annual pension as a means of support.

In the 2019 fiscal year budget released by the General Services Administration, it was revealed that the expenses incurred for President Carter amounted to $456,000. This figure stands in stark contrast to the budget allocation of $952,000 earmarked for the late former President George H. W. Bush. Furthermore, the expenditures for providing for former Presidents Barack Obama, Bill Clinton, and George W. Bush collectively amounted to $1 million.

The former president has been frequently seen shopping for clothes at the nearby Dollar General, even when traveling, he opts for commercial flights rather than private jets. Additionally, post his tenure at the White House, he began teaching at Emory University and also dedicates time to a Baptist Sunday School.