
Mom of Rare Twins with Down Syndrome Shuts Down Critics with a Beautiful Photo

Parenthood unfolds as an odyssey brimming with both delights and unforeseen turns. Savannah Combs, a 23-year-old mother hailing from Middleburg, Florida, embarked on this journey with exhilaration upon learning about her twin pregnancy. However, amidst her anticipation, she encountered an unexpected revelation – both her beloved twins were diagnosed with Down syndrome.

Confronted with the looming specter of societal scrutiny and pressure, Savannah and her husband, Justin Ackerman, resolved to embrace their daughters, Kennadi Rue and Mckenli Ackerman, with unwavering determination, ensuring they received every opportunity they deserved to thrive.

Born on May 12, 2021, prematurely, the mono-di twins embarked on a journey that led them to spend several weeks in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) due to their early arrival. Savannah, their mother, has been using TikTok as a platform to share their unique experiences. Her aim is to highlight the beauty in her daughters’ differences.

These exceptional girls possess a rare blend of mono-di twinning and Down syndrome, a combination occurring in approximately one in two million cases. Despite their distinctive needs, Savannah emphasizes that her daughters are just like any other children. They possess the ability to learn, grow, and consistently surpass expectations.

In the face of criticism on social media, Savannah maintains her composure and resilience. When confronted with someone expressing reluctance about having babies like hers, she responded confidently, stating, “Fortunately, they weren’t born to you but to me. God entrusted these babies to the right parents who would unconditionally love them.”

Through regular TikTok updates, Savannah documents the twins’ milestones, celebrating their resilience, happiness, and remarkable progress. Her ultimate goal is to demonstrate that with determination and support, her daughters can realize their aspirations and surmount any obstacles that come their way.


Savannah’s voyage as a mother raising twins with Down syndrome exemplifies the profound impact of love and embracing differences. Her story serves as a poignant reminder that every child, irrespective of their abilities, is a cherished blessing, bringing boundless happiness and imparting invaluable lessons in empathy and fortitude.