
‘He Just Has a Giant Brain,’ Paris Hilton Reacted Strongly to Internet Comments About Her Son’s Head

Paris Hilton and her partner Carter Reum recently celebrated the arrival of their first child, Phoenix Barron, with the assistance of a surrogate.

The renowned figure in reality TV, now turned entrepreneur, couldn’t contain her happiness at the prospect of motherhood, especially to a healthy baby boy.

Reflecting the common enthusiasm of new mothers, Hilton eagerly took to social media to share a glimpse of her 9-month-old son. On October 19, she delightedly posted a heartwarming photo of herself and her son with the caption, “My precious angel baby Phoenix’s first time in NYC.”

Unfortunately, individuals can be unkind, showing no mercy in their criticisms, particularly towards public figures like celebrities.

Suddenly, beneath her post, the comment section became flooded with disparaging remarks about the celebrity’s baby. Many comments fixated on the toddler’s head size.

One individual expressed, “It might be wise to consult a pediatric neurosurgeon regarding your baby; the fontanelle (soft spot) appears quite large, and there seems to be macrocrania. An MRI or ultrasound could help rule out any potential blockage of spinal fluid in the brain, just to err on the side of caution.”

Another comment pondered, “Could there be an underlying condition like encephalitis? I don’t mean to come across as rude, but something seems off.”

Hilton faced severe criticism about her son’s appearance, prompting her to come to his defense.

Taking to social media, Hilton conveyed, “Being in the public eye means facing comments, but attacking my child, or anyone else’s, is simply not acceptable.”

Expressing her distress, the television personality stated, “This cuts deeper than words can express.”

“I’ve strived to create an environment centered on love, respect, and inclusivity, and I expect the same in return,” she emphasized.

“Whether I share my child’s photos or not, there’s judgment. If I do, some resort to cruelty and hate. As a proud working mother, my baby is healthy, adorable, and precious,” she asserted.

In her closing remarks, she expressed a hopeful wish for increased kindness and empathy among people.

Responding to yet another disparaging comment on TikTok, Hilton clarified, “There are unfortunately some unwell individuals in this world. My little one is perfectly healthy. And yes, naturally, he has seen a doctor; he simply has a larger brain.”

In a conversation with People magazine, Hilton revealed that she finds support in raising Phoenix Barron from her family and loved ones. “My parents are absolutely enamored with him,” Hilton shared. “I frequently turn to my mom and my sister, Nicky Hilton, for guidance, and I consider myself fortunate to have such a tight-knit family, providing me with a strong support network.”

We deeply regret the negativity directed towards Hilton and her husband by individuals who are unfamiliar with them. No child, nor any person, should ever be subjected to ridicule and harassment.

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