
Family finds abandoned cat on the street – look closer and realize it’s not a regular kitten

This heartwarming tale dates back to 2016 and is simply too delightful not to spread. In Thailand, a minuscule baby kitten was sighted wandering the streets all alone. While enjoying their evening, a family in the neighborhood spotted the tiny feline on the pavement.

Upon closer observation, they realized this wasn’t just any ordinary cat—it bore no resemblance to the typical kittens they were accustomed to seeing. Recognizing the uniqueness of the situation, the family decided to reach out to The Wildlife Friends Foundation Thailand (WFFT), an esteemed animal organization, who promptly arrived to assess the situation.

After conducting a thorough examination, the organization made a remarkable discovery: the adorable creature was none other than a fishing cat—a rare and endangered species teetering on the edge of extinction.

Meet the remarkable fishing cat, a feline with a penchant for marine life and a size that puts regular cats to shame. Unlike its domestic counterparts, this wild cat can grow to double the size, making it a notable presence in South and Southeast Asia.

Named aptly for its love of hunting and devouring fish, the fishing cat, scientifically known as Prionailurus viverrinus, has earned its place in the wildlife roster. However, its status is far from secure. Since 2016, it has been categorized as Vulnerable on the IUCN Red List due to the alarming decline in its population. The main culprits? The destruction of wetlands, its primary habitat, has dealt a severe blow to fishing cat numbers over the past decade.

Fishing cats are predominantly found in wetland areas, including riversides, streams, oxbow lakes, swamps, and mangroves. These habitats provide the perfect hunting grounds for these felines, where they can showcase their adept swimming skills and their innate ability to snag fish from the water. Yet, as human activities encroach upon these ecosystems, the fishing cat’s existence hangs in the balance. It’s a stark reminder of the delicate balance between human progress and the conservation of biodiversity.

WFFT made a startling revelation when they found that the kitten had been born mere hours before the family stumbled upon it. Specialists at the organization were puzzled by the circumstances surrounding the mother’s decision to abandon her newborn, a behavior uncommon for this particular breed.

The rare cat quickly endeared itself to the family, who were granted permission to keep it on a trial basis. They affectionately named him Simba. It became evident that Simba had formed a strong bond with the family.

The family remained vigilant, constantly on the lookout for the mother of the kitten, anticipating her arrival to reunite with her offspring.

Regrettably, such a reunion never came to pass.

Simba was nurtured with milk by the family, blossoming into a magnificent fishing cat over time.

Fortunately, Simba remains alive and in good health for the time being. It is imperative for his well-being that he continues to flourish.

As per the WFFT, “Poaching and retaliatory killings have been identified as the primary factors contributing to a distressingly high mortality rate of 84% among Fishing Cats in Thailand.”

It’s truly miraculous that Simba was rescued and not only survived but thrived. His presence holds immense significance for the perpetuation of his breed.

Creatures of the animal kingdom, akin to ourselves, play a pivotal role in sustaining the delicate balance of our natural world. Their presence is not just incidental; it is vital for the continued flourishing of ecosystems. Let’s acknowledge and appreciate their significance by spreading this narrative. If you resonate with this perspective, we encourage you to share this story with others!